Thursday, 8 November 2012


The story that has unfolded in the home of actor, Ruke Amata and the famous Amata clan is the type found in the kind of movies you watch in Nollywood, unbelievable and shocking. Are you married and into runs and have information on your phone that might nail you? Please check your phone and delete before you read further as this could be you!

Pretty Gilda Amata has a can of worms that has been opened, given away by her blackberry phone. According to insiders, ‘Someone got hold of Gilda’s phone and downloaded the content of her black berry chat and the shocking contents were love/sex chats between her and a top politician whose wife she calls ‘Aunty’, a serving Governor and several others. Gilda met the serving Governor through actress, Omoni Oboli and the rest is history’.Click on read more to continue...

In the chats, Gilda confessed to a lot of shocking things including running down her husband of eight years. There is also a portion on the chat where she chatted with the Governor. The Governor who runs a South South state is a hopeless lover boy who reffered to Gilda as MMP (missing my princess). Gilda is also said to have a 17year-old son she didn’t declare when she met and married Ruke and he has just found out. The person who downloaded Gilda’s messages sent the chats copying Ruke Amata, two governors, actress Omoni Oboli, a politician and some others involved. The e-mail has been circulated and there is fire on the mountain. Gilda who shuttles Nigeria and the United Kingdom is currently in Nigeria as you read this. May His will be done! We tried for about 48 hours before going to press to get Gilda’s side of the story, but her phone was switched off.

Ruke Amata ‘I received the email’

We called Ruke Amata’s London number on Sunday, November 4, 2012 and the conversation went thus, ‘Hello Ruke, this is Stella. Long time, no talk. We received an email copying you and some other people concerning your wife. Do you have anything to say?. His response was ‘I received the email but I have no comment please…’. Only God can intervene in this matter. May His will be done.

Omoni Oboli ‘My hands are clean

We contacted Omoni Oboli who was on a retreat in Israel on Monday, November 5, 2012 and the actress confirmed getting an email where she was copied alongside some prominent names but denied dating a jeweller (names withheld) or having a relationship with the Governor. In her own words, ‘He is just my friend and I have nothing at all with him, I swear. I am not dating the Governor. I don’t know why this is happening’ The line cut and we couldn’t get the actress again to ask more questions.

Kachi Onubogu ‘I never chatted with her about sex’.

We spoke with Mr Kachi Onubogu, Marketing Director, Promasidor, one of the people copied in the e-mail and whose chat with Gilda was sexually explicit. Mr Kachi admitted receiving the mail but denied being the one who chatted. His own words, ‘I got the e-mail but deleted if after just reading a bit of it and I immediately called Gilda and asked her what was going on and she said someone was trying to set her up and that everyone the mail was copied to are people that can help her. I don’t want to get involved in this. I have been a family friend to them for long and have helped them in every way I could when things were rough for them, I never have and never will try anything like was indicated in the email. This is malicious for someone to try and d o this. And I want to categorically state now that I have nothing with Gilda and I don’t want to be dragged into this mess. She should settle her mess and leave me out of this mess. She should settle her mess and leave me out of this please. I have a reputation to protect, I have a name and people know me. You say you are a journalist, go and do your investigations about me. I really want to make this clear for avoidance of doubt ok? I don’t have time for this nonsense, I don’t want to be involved in this nonsense!’

We asked him one more question, ‘Ruke Amata was also copied in the e-mail, have your tried to reach him? And his response was ‘I don’t have Ruke’s number, so how do I reach him? He hasn’t written me’

We thanked him and ended the conversation.

Excerpts from the mind bogging BB messages


Gilda, SSG (South South governor)

View messages:

Gilda: Good night my darling

SSG: Gdnite my baby

Gilda: I love you

SSG: thanks

Gilda: MMP

SSG: missing my princess

Gilda: aaaawwww I miss u soooo unbelieveably much. I want to experience Asaba again soo much my body is on heat mode!

SSG: very soon!

Gilda: coming Dec 2nd

SSG: (dancing icon)

Gilda: I love uuuuuu

What did I do right to to deserve you?


Gilda: U r not loving me again!:’(

GC=): still L u ooooo. Too much

Gilda: Good morning! What are you doing

Gilda: Having Breakfast

GC=): Enjoy Sh

Gilda: I will darling! I will be with soon u!

GC=):Can’t wait

Gilda: Aunty says she is traveling for 2weeks so its just u and me!:D

GC=): When is she traveling

Gilda: She said she has a conference from 3rd to 16 may.

GC=): Oh, that’s true

Gilda: Yeah!

GC=): Campaign galore

Gilda: Yeah!


(But he never responded)

On second thought maybe I shouldn’t have sent my pics . I feel soo silly co snows it like I am totally throwing myself at u and by virtue of who you are most definitely get a lot of that.

Hard to convince u I am not after your pocket or trouser but honestly believe I can learn a lot from you. I get my fair share of toasters but I always choose my friends.

Would also be lying if I say Being your friend won’t come with perks that u wld give willingly give but trust me I am doing very ok on my own. I have done and said enough. I will wait for a buzz from u at least to check. On me before u hear from me again. If u never do, well its been my pleasure introducing myself to u. God be with u. I still think u r pretty cool regardless see u soooooon!


GC=): Ok. Am expectant am happy 4 you

Gilda: I am loving you more than u are o!:(

Gilda: Should I stop?

GC=): Are u sure

Gilda: U sound like u re actually laughing at me!

GC=): Can you?

Gilda: Can I what?

GC=): Answer. Can you stop loving me. Have you ever stopped?

Gilda: I can stop if I don’t feel like we are on same page!

GC=): We are on d same BB

Gilda: U have just given me the answer!

Gilda and South South Governor

SSG: Good morning my princess. Today is a very special day for US. If u were not born, we would not have met. I thank God you were born on this day. As we mark today, I pray for heavenly shower of blessing for good health, long life, prosperous living, protection for all evil plots etc. Enjoy ur day my baby and my darling!.

Gilda Amata (mpp): I am crying as I write u this msg. You are d best thing in my life ever. God bless and keep you for me In Jesus Name.

Gilda Amata (mpp): I am forever yours my precious!:*

SSG: Amen

Gilda Amata (mpp): You are beyond awesome! Beyond adorable! I don’t know what to call you! No word best describes you. I am crazy about you!

Gilda Amata (mpp): I have never loved anyone like I love. I swear it

SSG; () ********

Gilda Amata (mpp): How’s my precious doing?

SSG: I am fine

Gilda Amata (mpp): Thank God

Gilda Amata (mpp): LU

Gilda Amata (mpp): Wish I can soak in a warm bath with uin sweet smelling bubbles and showing u just how I much I love u!

Gilda Amata (mpp): Good morning MAO.

Gilda Amata (mpp): PING!!!

Gilda Amata (mpp): Busy?

SSG: At Alex Ibru’s burial

Gilda Amata (mpp): Ok my baby. God protect u in Jesus name. Amen


Gilda: I told u we are friends, d wahala na loveside o

Kachi: Like massage him head when e dey eat

The foundation of love na friendship and remember say women sabi catch man if they mean am.

So una get d right foundation and don’t stop praying say God go ignite passion oooo

Gilda: let me brutally honest with u! He doesn’t do anything for me emotionally, I don’t feel like having sex with just like that. I have to watch a blue film to be in the mood with him. Sad

I know but it always been like that but I ignored it.

Kachi: E day go trust me e fit come back.

Gilda: Not complaining she becos I choose this so hv no one to blame

Kachi: their actually is nothing wrong to use a blue film or sex toy to excite u two what u should do is sometimes imagine the stuff in ur mind while u make out. For women that’s easier for guys its harder cause if you don’t like you won’t get that stuff up.

But if u work at it together u will get it back

Gilda: I am good for now biko. Let’s leave things d way they are for now. Can’t force some stuff.

Kachi: Honestly every couple faces times like this and we often think it’s a lost cause but sometimes it isn’t

Gilda: There’s nothing to get back becos it was never there. From the beginning I was saddled with running the home and business and had no time to build romance into d mix and we really didn’t date for long so didn’t have time to know each other well.

Kachi: U know how strong willed you are when u want something?? U want that intimacy so go for it no give up. Never late to start, ur still under 40

Gilda: Do u know something? I really am cool like dis o trust me. I don’t feel bad about it. My cross to bear.

Kachi: Ur not gilda u just think the best way to manage it is to pretend its fine. Trust me u will be cooler when u get d kinda love romance u want?

Gilda: He is actually a very self absorbed person who is never wrong and so for 8yrs I hv been d one trying to make things work always mindful of his feelings that I probably spoilt him

Kachi: Yep maybe he is maybe he isn’t doesn’t matter u have been together 8yrs u have the rest of ur lives to make it work and by God and u two have so many year together that u can’t not have romance in it no matter how small

He probably thinks d same of u( she is always right)

Gilda: He actually agrees with me on that o truth is if u knew me before I married u will know that we are not really suited but I am grateful we have a happy home for d kids.

We don’t fight energy

Kachi: I know ur kinda person

Fight even though we may go days without really talking

Gilda: My kind person yes not me ! my dearest best friend! Believe me when I tell u that we are ok. Don’t worry about me I will be fine. After all there is more to life than romance. I just sent u d draft proposal. Pls review and send back as soon as possible. Thanks

Kachi: Ok o

Gilda: Pls did u get d stuff I sent yday?

Kachi: Not seen it which email did you send it to?

Gilda: Promasidor email!

Do u have another one I can send it to?




Gilda: oh dear! Don’t u just have a way of putting a smile on my face (hug icon) its not my fault oo maybe I never taste d shagging way go blow my mind

Kachi: yes oo good shagging will confuse u

Gilda: Till then! Ka chineke mezie okwu Iseee

Kachi: GildaaaaaaaAaaa u need good…

Gilda: I totally agree with u!

So where I go get am naaa

Kachi: E plenty d issue be say u get liver to…

Gilda: I day…since oo my mind never blow so I am almost convinced it would never happen for me (sad icon)

Kachi: U never….person like me. Trust me I satisfy

Gilda: So when we go ….na

Kachi: so you really wan….talk true

Gilda: yessss

Kachi: so I make u….well

Gilda: actually yes!

Kachi: If I… u, u no go fit return to oga cause it will be too good

Gilda: I will return to him but I want to ….u at every opportunity I get

Kachi: I know and me too I want to na where wahala go day

Gilda: I live very far away from u remember?

Gilda: if I …u I swear u go come back here

Gilda: lets …first and see


Gilda:….Never ever. I want you in my ….full big and strong

Kachi: I know u do

Gilda: So what do we do?

Kachi:…it is…that…we’ll well


Kachi: I say that’s what we should do. U need good ….

Gilda: I will … u when u come to London next month

Kachi:?. Hnmmm hiw many times abi u go just move into d hotel way I go dey spread…

Gilda: come first naaa

Kachi: I wan know weder to buy extra burantashi incase u wan finish the amu

Gilda: I go buy all and every

Kachi: Dis madam u really need to be ….well

Gilda: (big smile) looking forward to it

Kachi: I wan 3some

Gilda: our first time should be just us

Kachi: so you will do a 3some?? Seriously with me? Which hot babe should we ass in d pack

Gilda: but I no want share u

Kachi: but if u …. Me no be sharing I day share u??

Gilda: we both allowed one share dat na oga and madam shaken

Kachi: okay u don spoil finish

Gilda: I nor spoil! I just want to ….u

Kachi: Na di my….u want??

Gilda: Yessss


SSG: How are u MPP? Hope U are adjusting to Nigeria?

Gilda: I miss u sooooo much! When ur coming home?

Gilda: I want to be with u

Gilda: Good night my precious! :* (Hug)

SSG: Gdnite. Ur friend has become very desparate

Gilda: She said when u get back she will give me ur fone number to call u and ask u if we both can come see u that she just needs to meet u face to face

Gilda: I asked her what she plans to do if she meets u and she said whatever she has to

SSG: She says she wants to come to …. over d weekend. She wants a friend to talk to, it can be lonely blab bla!

SSG: I tire!

Gilda: Me sef don tire!

SSG: Calls virtually every minute & had not talked to her since Tue until today.

Gilda: She told me that….gave ….oil blokes so between u and …. that the house money must come out by fire by force!

SSG: Lol!

SSG: ‘By fire by force’

Gilda: Her exact words

SSG: KK. Can handle that

SSG: Make she dey pray well or if na juju!

Gilda: She said since na my … wey in or give oga dey cause wahala I go give am make matter settle!

Gilda: I cried so hard after she left cos I am soo sick of her matter it makes me cringe

Gilda: She said she has no shame again!

SSG: Lol. Told her d kokoro story. She didn’t understand.

Gilda: What’s the kokoro story?

SSG: Now MPP…is there for me! No conditions!

Gilda: Fully yours!

SSG: Will tell you d kokoro story when I see U!

Gilda: Ok! Can’t wait!

SSG: (hug) (big smile)

Gilda: Sleep tight my precious adorable love of my life! I love u to bits

Gilda: But seriously I am scared of her now! She is really desparate!

SSG: No cause for alarm

Gilda: (kisses)


Gilda: Gdm.Hope u r ok. How can someone who said she cannot imagine sleeping with becos u don’t appeal to her at all, that she will first kill herself, she will throw up if she kisses u and all sort of nasty stuff now need u so much that u r d only friend she has. I hv always known that u hv a very soft spot for her and I hv always come a very distant second to her. She has always been dark circling round our friendship and it saddens me. Maybe its really true that men like women who pose for them and treat them like shit. Like I said pretence has never been my thing good or bad. It just breaks my heart that u seem to be withdrawing from me to make room for someone who clearly is out to get something from u. I hv decided to never discuss her with u again. I will continue loving u like I hv always hv and ever will. If u hv space for me in your life I will be happy but if not u hv given me beautiful memories to last a life time but pls be careful I know u also hv a good heart. God bless u. I love u with all of me! Whether that is enough I don’t know. Hope to see u soon.

Gilda: God help me to make u see that u and my kids are d only bright spots in my life.

Gilda: Tell me how to win ur heart cos I hvnt got a clue obviously but let me tell u once again that I love u and I am not ashamed to say it.


SSG: U did not see my status?

Gilda: I am sorry! Noticed it after
SSG: I have more challenges than talking abt who loves and hates me!

Gilda: My knees are on the ground! I swear i saw it very late!

Gilda: I swear i wont bb again!

SSG: Who is …dat I shld have sleepless nite over? Maybe you U really don’t know me

Gilda: I have decided NEVER to talk about her again and trust me its over and done with!

Gilda: Hope u r okay, though

Gilda: God is your strength always. I am sincerely sorry. I love you!

Gilda: She just showed me your text messages. She wants to reactivate her bb cos u said you wished it was on so u wld open up to her…just came into town for a week. She is off to…on wed till Friday and that as soon as she comes bk its off to…both of us. I asked her if u okayed the…she said u hv no choice and that if u didn’t want her to come u wld have told her so thar she doesn’t no y u r hoarding the money when e plenty for your hand. Its all twisted and strange to me and it actually saddens me!

If u remembered d first time i met u alone at d den i struggled with my feelings bcos as much as i wanted you i felt u wld just like most guys sweet at the beginning and once a new interest comes u r history and beliv me, i have had my fair share of pains but i did give in and that day marked the beginning of d best days of my life in a long time. I am a hopeless romantic, what keeps me going is not money, of course it has put food and shelter and clothes on me and my kids but it is d pet names u gave me, the sweet icons u send to me. It is December, the us all through your surgery, u taking time to send me pics of u with tubes, i kissed those pics every min. It is d bday msg to me, ur new year msg, my gnight, u wishing me safe flights those r what makes us special. U told me at the beginning that I should be understanding cos of your job. Babes i no something i may hv seem to u as too demanding of ur time but i met u as a gov but u had my time even if it was a word form ubut uwld respond to me. When u stopped doing that i felt u didn’t feel d same as before. U get so upset when i say something u don’t like instead of scolding and correcting me. I beg and cry out to u but u say i don’t have self-confidence. I spent d most beautiful day with u in…and i tot we were back on track but u go back to ignoring my msg so much that on d day of our victory u didn’t acknowledge my greetings. I felt really bad and me not knowing how to pretend spoke my mind and u got so pissed u deleted me from your bb. I love u hopelessly! If i met u before I got married, I would gladly be your mistress for life. I am no…but i don’t think i am too bad. I am ever so sorry for every wrong thing i hv done nad said. I hv been a wreck since Friday! LUSM. Lets go back to the way we were please.:)

Good morning babes! Lagos safe and sound!

SSG: thank God

Gilda: I pray someday i get to spend a full day and night with u. Ur turn to give me a bath next time


Gilda: Goodnight my darling

SSG: Gd night my baby

Gilda: I love u

SSG: Thanks MMP

Gilda: MMP?

SSG: Missing My Princess

Gilda: Awwwww I miss u soooo unbelievably much. I want to experience…again soo much my body is on heat mode!

SSG: very soon

Gilda: coming Dec 2nd

SSG: (dancing icon)

Gilda: I love uuuuuu. What did I do right to deserve u?

1 comment:

  1. Waohhh this babe is really hot! On a more serious note, I wish her marriage could be saved she appears to be a good woman who just misses intimate fellowship with her partner/husband. Obviously she isnt getting enough emotional fulfillment from her marriage and that's sad. Its killing for her l can imagine. May God help her recover her marriage and keep those wolves away! A marriage counsellor is needed here not condemnation. It could happen to anyone! No one is a saint. It is by his mercies that we are not consumed and not of our own works lest any man should boast. My advice to her is to have faith in God and not to loose hope in her marriage. If her husband is prepared to talk abt it, good for her.Then she should be ready to seek forgiveness and work out her marriage. She should get some body they both respect involved.Wish her luck and God's guidiance
